India – Coalition Application Help

The following information is designed to assist you in filling out the Coalition application if you went to school in India or followed an Indian national curriculum education.

High School Information Help

  1. Select your high school and enter your dates of attendance.
  2. Check the box next to "This is an exam-based school".

Grading Scale

  1. If your grading scale isn’t listed, select "Other".
  2. Type "External Exam-Standard X’ followed by the grading scale used at your school.

9th-11th Grade Coursework Help

If your school follows the Indian national curriculum, do not report academic results from internal assessments.

  1. List grades for year 9 exactly as they appear on your transcript.
  2. Follow the instructions below for courses you’ve taken on the Indian Board Examination (Standard X).

    Subject Area: Select the course you’ve taken under grade 10.
    Course name on transcript: Enter "Subject– Standard X". For example, "Math-Standard X".
    Type: Select ‘Other’.
    Grading Scale: Select ‘Other’.
    Other Grading Scale: Enter ‘External Exam-Standard X’.

  3. Repeat the previous steps until you entered all courses on your standard X Indian Board Examinations.
  4. List grades for year 11 exactly as they appear on your transcript.

12th Grade Coursework

If you haven’t completed the Standard XII Indian Board Exams, fill out this section following the format from the previous page with the exams you intend to take.

If you have completed the exams, but haven’t received your scores, select "Other" under "Final Score" and type "Haven’t received results yet" in the text box.
