Study Abroad

The experiences you have when you study abroad are going to change the way you look at the world and your life in relation to it.

Go anywhere.

Where you study abroad is up to you. Through our programs, you have the freedom to choose the place you want to experience, how long you want to be there, and even the language in which you want to be taught.

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world map of all the UIUC study abroad locations

240 programs in 60+ countries

The world is wide open.

Below is a small sampling of the places you can explore and the things you can do when you study abroad.

a student in a wetsuit handling a baby octopus

Reflection in Ghana

Learn about the history of West Africa through exploration and conversation.

a view of Madrid

Interning in Ecuador

Boost your professional experience by participating in an internship with local organizations.

two students in Italy

Language Learning in Bologna

Become fluent in classes taught only in Italian while exploring what Europe’s oldest university has to offer.

students enjoying a climb and a higher perspective on an Australian rainforest

Rainforest Restoration in Australia

Help to restore the country’s tropical rainforests while studying current ecological issues and performing hands-on research.

a student outside one of Hong Kong many shrines

Business in Hong Kong

Study the world of business in a cultural hub at one of Asia’s top universities.

Don't fret the expense.

You’ll be surprised by how reasonable the cost of studying abroad can be. Many programs are similar to the cost of studying at UIUC, and your financial aid usually counts. Plus, scholarships are often available through our colleges.

Steven posing underneath the Torii at Fushimi Inari Temple in Kyoto, Japan

The Great Unknown

Studying in a country you know nothing about is intimidating to say the least, but Steven was up for the challenge.

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